today's the day! my mom, grandmom, aunt, uncle, cousin and i are leaving for italy! we will visit some family and my mom's hometown where she grew up. when i last went to italy my mom and i went with perillo tours and visited all of the major cities. it was an amazing, beautiful experience i will always remember. this time i am looking forward to shopping the outdoor markets for vintage and hand made treasures!! i will take tons of pictures to share with you when i return.

i will not be blogging while i am away, but the store will remain open with special hours.
store hours:
july 24th, friday: 11-7
july 25th, saturday: 11-7
july 26th, sunday: 11-6
july 31st, friday: 11-7
augusy 1st, saturday: 11-7
august 2nd, sunday: 11-6
regular store hours begin on august 5th.